Table of Compatibility between Cosmetic Active Ingredients

Table of compatibilities between cosmetic active ingredients

Discover our interactive tool to find out the compatibilities between different cosmetic active ingredients.

This handy tool will help you create effective skincare routines by combining the right ingredients.

For personalized advice on your beauty routine, check out our skincare e-book or try our MASQREPAIR LED face mask for optimal results.

Assets Vitamin C Retinol Hyaluronic acid Niacinamide AHA/BHA
Vitamin C Compatible Caution Compatible Compatible Caution
Retinol Caution Compatible Compatible Compatible Incompatible
Hyaluronic acid Compatible Compatible Compatible Compatible Compatible
Niacinamide Compatible Compatible Compatible Compatible Compatible
AHA/BHA Caution Incompatible Compatible Compatible Compatible

For tips on using these actives, check out our ebook on the secrets of beautiful skin . You can also try our antioxidant-rich prickly pear oil to complete your beauty routine.